Rock Cod fishing on Puget Sound

Rock Cod fishing on Puget Sound

~In today's fast-paced world, fishing for small fish reminds us to slow down and savor the present moment. Waiting for a bite from these smaller species teaches us patience and the art of enjoying the journey, not just the destination. Furthermore, catching small fish instills a sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures in life. Appreciating each catch, no matter the size, reinforces the notion that success can be found in the little things.~

I went out crabbing the other day and while I was waiting for my pot to fill with crab, I threw out my ultra lite pole with some salmon on the hook. Within minutes of having my line in the water, I had a bite. My pole bent and the fight was on. I pulled up the smallest rock cod, but that was ok. I had a blast while I was fishing and it ended up being a fun day!

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